142 Continental 20th Century Silver Chamberstick
A 20th century Continental chamberstick. The chamberstick has a round shaped five sided polygon. Its base rises at the circumference with a rope like decoration which is repeated five times and is also present at the finger holder. The candle holder has a hexagonical shape and seems to be separated into six segments. The base … Continued
126 Continental 19th Century Silver Chamberstick
A 19th century Continental silver chamberstick. The chamberstick has a rectangular shape and has four small shell decorations at the four corners of the base. The uniqueness of the chamberstick is the dragon at the center of the chamberstick. Its two feet rest on the base and its head caries the candle holder. The scales … Continued
37 Continental 19th Century Silver Chamberstick
A 19th century silver Continental chamberstick. The chamberstick has a round base with its rim decorated in a thin band of leaves on a branch. The same decoration can also be seen on a band on the stem of the candle holder.The finger holder is dragon shaped, similar to some other chambersticks which have a … Continued
34 Continental 19th Century Silver Chamberstick
A 19th century Continental silver chamberstick. The chamberstick is of the Art Nuveaux style and is profusely embossed throughout the base, the stem and the candle holder. Its base is embossed with leaves, brnches and flowers which continue in the same style as the embossed handle. The stem of the candle holder and the fixed … Continued