56 American 18th Century Brass Chamberstick

An early 18th-century American brass tinderbox chamberstick(although it could be Continental as well.) The tinderbox (bought in the USA) has a brass canister, lid and damper and a steel flint striker. The lid is quite flat, which is typical of the early 18th century; later in the 18th century the brass tinder boxes were mostly ribbed or dished. The candle socket has been left in its original construction, with a slot down the entire length Such slots are present in 18th-century Continental silver chambersticks as well. The handle is riveted to the body by two copper rivets, while the candle holder is affixed by two lugs inserted through slots in the lid. It measures 6 cms tall by 12 cms wide and 19 cms long. Its total weight is 500 gms. A variety of tinder boxes may be seen in the book Making Fire and Light in the Home Pre-1820 by John Caspall , and this tinderbox is similar to figure 14 in the book